Friday, April 24, 2009

Update on Life...

I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I would let everyone know what is new in our lives, not that there's a lot new:

I am still student teaching till May 7th and loving the little 3rd graders. On May 9th I finally graduate with my Masters degree and my teaching credential!

I have recently, as of last week, gone back to my old job at Northcentral University. I am working there part time until I graduate. I work at the school till 2:30 and drive a half hour to NCU then work till 6. It makes for a long day, but it isn't too bad. I really like working at NCU. It was actually a huge blessing to be hired back at this time, and to work part time for a few weeks. Heavenly Father is watching out for me in our time of financial need.

We have sold 3 puppies and still have one. Two of the puppies have gone to one of Jeff's sisters in CA, and one went to an older couple a few blocks away from us. The one we still have is super cute and I want to keep her so bad but Jeff keeps reminding me we already have an animal house. I really do miss the 3 we sold too :(.

Jeff and I have started our Biggest Loser diet competition with members from Jeff's family. It is an 8 week program where we each give the winner $5. Every week we post our weight loss percentage on our family website and support each other. We have been going 5 days far its hard but it feels good. We are counting calories and working out when we can. I hope to lose over 20 lbs by June 15th. Wish me luck!

Now that the weather is getting so nice we are starting to work on the yard again. I am excited for our lilac bushes, our daffodils, and our crab tree to bloom. Our pond is almost warm enough to put the turtles back (which are currently residing in the garage), and our berry bushes are starting to sprout. We hope to plant a garden again...dreading changing the location though. Last years garden was okay, but needed more sun. Needless to say, the yard will be a large spring/summer project for us.